Second Harvest Board of Directors

Robert Marks, Chair
Nick Karl, Vice Chair
Mark Preston, Treasurer
Walter M. Gundlach, Secretary
Skye Sturlese Fantaci, Past Chair

Kristen H. Albertson
Justin Back
Kathlyn Perez Bethune
Lynne Burkart
Very Rev. David G. Caron,
O.P., D.Min.
Lucas Clary
Jeff Entwisle
Alex Gershanik
Brad Grundmeyer
G. Ben Johnson
Rupa Jolly
Todd Lambert
Anne M. Milling
Nancy G. Moragas
Michael Morse
Ayesha Motwani
Stephen Pate
Donna Richardson
Robert Sheninger
Susu Stall
Bert A. Wilson
Roy Zuppardo

Natalie A. Jayroe,
President and CEO

Anne M. Milling & Leann Moses, Board Emeritus

John Smestad, Jr., Archdiocesan Liaison

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