On Saturday, May 12, Letter carriers across the Greater New Orleans area will pick up donations of non-perishable food items for Second Harvest Food Bank from mailboxes in Orleans, Jefferson and St. Bernard parishes, parts of the Northshore, and Thibodaux.
Letter carriers are delivering the food collection bags in mailboxes this week. You can fill the bags with non-perishable food items such as peanut butter, soups/stews, canned fruits/vegetables, canned meats, tuna fish, chili, cereals, beans, rice, or pasta.Then, place your filled bags your mailboxes prior to regular mail delivery on Saturday, May 13 when local letter carriers will pick up donations and deliver them to Second Harvest Food Bank.
Food donations from the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive also help Second Harvest meet the increased need for food assistance in the summer months when children are without the free and reduced price breakfast and lunch they rely on during the school year. Many families have to stretch an already strained food budget even further to provide children with meals during the summer.
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