
Second Harvest Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded program that provides free, nutritious meals to children age 18 or younger living in low-income areas, or pockets of poverty during the summer months when school is not in session. The SFSP can be sponsored by public or private nonprofit schools, or school districts; public or private nonprofit organizations, day or residential summer camps; local government agencies or tribal organizations. Summer feeding sites can be located in schools, public housing centers, playgrounds, camps, parks, churches, rec centers, and many other facilities as long as the site meets the SFSP eligibility criteria.

Sponsors are reimbursed for the number of meals served to each eligible child multiplied by the appropriate reimbursement rate.

Public Notification

Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana has submitted the below waiver requests to the US Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Services. This information is provided to comply with the public notification statutory requirements in the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, Section 12 (I)(1)(A)(ii).

Waiver Request for First Week Site Visits
Waiver Request for Closed Enrolled Site Eligibility
Waiver Request for Meal Service Times

For questions about any of the above, please contact Second Harvest President & CEO Natalie Jayroe at or 504-734-1322.

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