emergency prep

Hurricane season preparedness! 

Pre Disaster check List – Check and update every May 

Beginning in May, South Louisiana residents should pre-register for DSNAP (disaster food stamps) at www.dcfs.louisiana.gov/cafe 

Pre-registration for DSNAP will speed up the application for DSNAP if there is a disaster. And you may not have access to the needed documentation after a disaster!

Items to gather and have on hand before hurricane season (June 1) 

    • Water – 1 gallon per person per day
    • Non-perishable, ready-to-eat food
    • Medications
    • Pet supplies
    • Can opener
    • Flashlights
    • Battery-operated radio
    • Batteries
    • Whistle
    • Important documents: Gather and store together in a safe, water-proof container
    • Phone charger

“Evacuation bag” for use in the event of mandatory evacuation:

    • Bottled water
    • Food (remember the can opener!)
    • Car repair items
    • Rain gear
    • Blankets
    • Towels
    • Games, toys
    • Phone / device charger(s)
    • Cash (in the event ATM/credit card machines are down)

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