
Your generosity and dedication to our mission have touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of our neighbors in our South Louisiana community. 

Whether you provided financial support, volunteer time, or donated food, your efforts helped Second Harvest provide more than 40 million meals in 2024. 

We couldn’t be more grateful.

  • Second Harvest provided more than 40 million meals throughout 23 South Louisiana parishes.
  • Staff and volunteers prepared over one million meals and snacks from our kitchens in New Orleans, Abbeville, and Lake Charles. These meals were delivered to seniors, children, and people impacted by disasters. 
  • Volunteers donated over 70,000 hours of time, which is the equivalent of more than 65 full time employees.


A few of our staff would like to share their thanks with all of you. Thank you for making our mission possible!

“After nearly 20 years serving as Second Harvest’s CEO, I continue to be amazed by our community’s generosity. I am beyond grateful to everyone who makes Second Harvest’s mission possible – volunteers, donors, and community partners. Thank you for making a difference!Natalie Jayroe, President and CEO


“As the Chief Regional Director of Second Harvest’s operations in Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana, I am incredibly proud of Second Harvest’s expansion in providing hot meals to those in need. Over the past year, we have opened new community kitchens in Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana, where we prepare and distribute hot meals and snacks for children and seniors. In 2025, we will launch a new warehouse in Lake Charles serving Southwest Louisiana, and we also plan to expand and enhance our facility in Lafayette, which serves Acadiana. I cannot thank you enough; your support has made this progress possible. Paul Scelfo, Chief Regional Director


“Volunteers are essential. Whether it’s serving meals, packing food, or supporting our efforts in countless other ways, your dedication is the heart of our mission to end hunger. You brighten so many lives, and we’re endlessly grateful for all that you do. Thank you!”-LaShondra Glover, Community Engagement Manager


Your support helps Second Harvest provide meals and nourishment to the kids in South Louisiana who need them most. Thanks to you, thousands of children have enough to eat, grow, and thrive.Tanya O’Reilly, Children’s Programs Manager


Second Harvest has three commercial kitchens located in New Orleans, Abbeville, and Lake Charles.  Your financial support and volunteer hours help Second Harvest produce thousands of hot meals and snacks every day for seniors’ Meals on Wheels programs, and afterschool and summer meal programs for kids. Thank you!” Matthew Taylor, Executive Chef  


“The Mobile Market is a traveling grocery store that brings affordable fresh produce and everyday staples into areas where access to grocery stores is limited. As grocery bills have increased with inflation, the Mobile Market is one place where our neighbors can count on low prices. Thanks to your support, we can keep the Mobile Market on the road, visiting communities across South Louisiana. Thank you!” Kristen Wesley, Makin’ Groceries Mobile Market Manager

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